Humber Freeport has welcomed a Government announced of devolution deals for Hull and East Yorkshire and Greater Lincolnshire.

The deals will mean the areas have new powers and additional funding under new arrangements, including the election of mayors.

Simon Bird, Chair of Humber Freeport, said: “We warmly welcome the new Government’s approval for devolution deals for Hull and East Yorkshire and Greater Lincolnshire.

“This landmark decision means the Humber region will benefit from devolved powers and additional funding, as well as ensuring it has a much more powerful political voice. We applaud the work of the four local authority leaders around the Humber estuary whose persistence has been crucial in getting these deals done.

“We also welcome the Government’s specific recognition of the key role Humber Freeport will play in ensuring pan-Humber co-operation over coming years to ensure opportunities for investment and growth within the sub-region are maximised.

“As a pan-Humber organisation, working closely with both the public and private sectors, we are committed to supporting the devolution process and look forward to working closely with the new combined authorities and elected mayors to unlock the Humber’s huge potential.”

Under the devolution deal, Hull and East Yorkshire and Greater Lincolnshire will join like likes of Greater Manchester, the Liverpool City Region and the West Midlands in having a directly elected mayor.

Simon Bird, Humber Freeport Chair


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